1. Open a list. 2. Copy the default.aspx page and paste in the list. 3. Select the smart part and the list form web part’s html code in between the Zone template of the web part zone where the smart part exists in the original listform(NewForm or Edit or Display form) 4. In the copy of the default page delete the content in between the of the top left web part zone. 5. paste the copied contents from the original list form in between the of the web part zone 6. Rename the original Page to NewForm1.aspx or respectively 7. Rename the copy of the default page to respective list form name(NewForm.aspx for example). 8. Remove all other web parts in the page Top Right, bottom right, bottom left. 9. Copy the register tag prefix of smart part from the original list form to the new list form <%@ Register tagprefix="SmartPart" namespace="SmartPart" assembly="Return...