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Showing posts from May, 2014

Cascading Drop-down in SharePoint 2013

Cascading drop-down to NewForm.aspx  using OOTB . You can also use the example to create 3 level cascading drop-down and as instructed download 2 jquery files and store them in SharePoint library. Then follow the steps. Two jquery files to be downloaded are  jquery-1.3.2.min.js  by and  in codeplex by Mark D. Anderson.. 1.         Create List 1: PrimaryDomain 2.         Create List2 : SecondaryDomain  and create a column name it continent (could be lookup to Primary domain list or single line of text)   3.         Create List 3 : SubDomain and Create a column name it Secondarydomian (could be lookup to county list or single line of test) Create 3 columns in list 4. 1.         PrimaryDomain : Lookup to title of PrimaryDomain List 2.  ...

Create a Dropdown Search Refiner Control in Sharepoint 2013

 The default refiner controls templates are located in: Master Page Gallery / Display Templates / Filters (http://your-site/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Filters).  I place my display templates in a separated project folder in the master page gallery. This way it's easier to find them and they stay grouped together. Edit your Refinement webpart, and hit  Choose Refiners.   Add the  Department  managed property as a refiner, and change its  Display Template .  Note that this was the title we set in the HTML.  Hit OK and save the page.  If you see a drop down in the refiners panel,  Download Download the complete search refiner control here:  Custom Search Refiner Control Part 4 .

Lookup field does not showing values in sharepoint2013

SharePoint Custom Form Shows HTML as Text on Lookup Fields   When creating a custom display form on SharePoint Designer, the form displays the actual HTML instead of rendering the HTML on the lookup columns. For example, see the below image: For the lookup value issue, you need to slightly modify the XSLT of the particular field from designer and add the attribute disable-output-escaping="yes" to the field.