Cascading drop-down to NewForm.aspx using OOTB . You can also use the example to create 3 level cascading drop-down and as instructed download 2 jquery files and store them in SharePoint library. Then follow the steps. Two jquery files to be downloaded are jquery-1.3.2.min.js by and in codeplex by Mark D. Anderson.. 1. Create List 1: PrimaryDomain 2. Create List2 : SecondaryDomain and create a column name it continent (could be lookup to Primary domain list or single line of text) 3. Create List 3 : SubDomain and Create a column name it Secondarydomian (could be lookup to county list or single line of test) Create 3 columns in list 4. 1. PrimaryDomain : Lookup to title of PrimaryDomain List 2. ...