How to enable Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date for pages /Documents library for Subsites.
1. After creating new Document library / pages go to List Settings.
2. In section General Settings select the link Versioning Settings, and enable"
1) Content approval to Yes.
2) Dcoument version history to created major and minor(draft) version.
3. In Section General Settings select the link "Manage Item Schueduling and select the option Enable scheduling of items in this list.
4. You will see Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date in allitems pages.
1. After creating new Document library / pages go to List Settings.
2. In section General Settings select the link Versioning Settings, and enable"
1) Content approval to Yes.
2) Dcoument version history to created major and minor(draft) version.
3. In Section General Settings select the link "Manage Item Schueduling and select the option Enable scheduling of items in this list.
4. You will see Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date in allitems pages.