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Showing posts from 2014

Control when a document is displayed: Managing Item Scheduling

How to enable Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date for pages /Documents library for Subsites. 1. After creating new Document library  / pages  go to List Settings. 2. In section General Settings select the link Versioning Settings, and enable" 1) Content approval to Yes . 2) Dcoument version history to created major and minor(draft) version . 3. In Section General Settings select the link " Manage Item Schueduling and select the option Enable scheduling of items in this list . 4. You will see Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date in allitems pages.

Publishing SharePoint List InfoPath Form to a new location

Needed to move it from Dev to Production. File > Publish > Export Source Files. Close InfoPath Go to folder where Source Files are saved, open Manifest.xsf.  Find all instances of the URL and replace them with the new URL - there should be five. If you have secondary data connections, update those also. I use Notepad++ and “replace all” so it just takes a second.  Save the manifest.xsf file and close. Now right click on the manifest.xsf and select Design to open it back up in InfoPath.  Click on File >Publish and verify the URL is correct in the “Publish form to a SharePoint List” section”.

SharePoint 2013 - Suggested Content Browser Locations

In SharePoint Site collection, we can configure “Suggested Content Browser Locations” to access the directories easily. When we configure these locations, we can see them as drop down to the users when we select the content SharePoint. To view this link, we need to activate the publishing feature. We can configure suggested content browser location at site collection level. To configure suggested content browser locations, navigate to Site Settings, in the Site Collection Administration section, click on “Suggested Content Browser Locations” link. We can see the list. Click on new item to create new suggested location link. To check the suggested content browser location navigates to any page, edit the page. Select Insert option. In the Select Asset dialog, We can see the Suggested link drop down as shown the image below.

SharePoint 2013 Autocomplete textboxes using the term store and CSOM

 I am going to use a simple set of terms using state names in the From Sharepoint Deparment.  My terms are included in a group named  Classification  and a Term Set named  City and Department .  Here is what my term store looks like. We then need to add a heap of JavaScript references.  Some of these are included already, but specifically we need to load  SP.Taxonomy.js .  We also need to include  init.js  as I mentioned in an earlier  blog post . < script   type ="text/javascript"   src ="../Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></ script > < script   type ="text/javascript"   src ="/_layouts/15/MicrosoftAjax.js"></ script > < script   type ="text/javascript"   src ="/_layouts/15/init.js"></ script > < script   type ="text/javascript"   src ="/_layouts/15/sp.runtime.js"></ script > < script   type ="text/javascript"   s...

Cascading Drop-down in SharePoint 2013

Cascading drop-down to NewForm.aspx  using OOTB . You can also use the example to create 3 level cascading drop-down and as instructed download 2 jquery files and store them in SharePoint library. Then follow the steps. Two jquery files to be downloaded are  jquery-1.3.2.min.js  by and  in codeplex by Mark D. Anderson.. 1.         Create List 1: PrimaryDomain 2.         Create List2 : SecondaryDomain  and create a column name it continent (could be lookup to Primary domain list or single line of text)   3.         Create List 3 : SubDomain and Create a column name it Secondarydomian (could be lookup to county list or single line of test) Create 3 columns in list 4. 1.         PrimaryDomain : Lookup to title of PrimaryDomain List 2.  ...

Create a Dropdown Search Refiner Control in Sharepoint 2013

 The default refiner controls templates are located in: Master Page Gallery / Display Templates / Filters (http://your-site/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Filters).  I place my display templates in a separated project folder in the master page gallery. This way it's easier to find them and they stay grouped together. Edit your Refinement webpart, and hit  Choose Refiners.   Add the  Department  managed property as a refiner, and change its  Display Template .  Note that this was the title we set in the HTML.  Hit OK and save the page.  If you see a drop down in the refiners panel,  Download Download the complete search refiner control here:  Custom Search Refiner Control Part 4 .

Lookup field does not showing values in sharepoint2013

SharePoint Custom Form Shows HTML as Text on Lookup Fields   When creating a custom display form on SharePoint Designer, the form displays the actual HTML instead of rendering the HTML on the lookup columns. For example, see the below image: For the lookup value issue, you need to slightly modify the XSLT of the particular field from designer and add the attribute disable-output-escaping="yes" to the field.

'Save Site as template' missing in SP2013

The Save site as a template option is hidden from the publishing sites settings page we all used the following URL to go there directly: /_layouts/savetmpl.aspx Or /_layouts/15/savetmpl.aspx The “Save site as template” action is not supported on this site. this is not going to work anymore in SharePoint 2013 if your site is a publishing site or have the publishing features activated. De-activate publishing features.. Save site as template will enable.

SharePoint 2013 - Create a Web Application and Site Collection in SharePoint 2013

Creating our first SharePoint 2013 Web Application Let’s begin by navigating to the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration > Application Management page. You will notice that the UI is fairly similar to that we have been accustomed to in SharePoint 2010. The first thing we need to do is create our first Web Application to host our Site Collections and its sub sites. Under the heading “Web Applications” click on Manage web applications. Click on New The below splash screen is unexpected from Microsoft, but it is notifying us in a somewhat candid way that the page is about to load.  I wonder if this will be deprecated in the final release of SharePoint 2013. You will finally be greeted with the all familiar “Create New Web Application” modal dialog window with a few subtle additions.  I will post separate screen captures depicting our settings as we scroll down the modal dialo...